OrchestrateVR™ User Guide

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Release Notes

The OrchestrateVRᵀᴹ team is hard at work developing additional features and VR modalities to further empower you to create VR experiences that best suit your students’ needs.

Version 2.1

November 2023

This release focuses on making OrchestrateVR more accessible, by providing a user friendly Onboarding experience and streamlining the Assignment process to easily share experiences with others.


  1. Users who manage learning (e.g., Training Directors) can create Assignments: one or more Users assigned to engage with one or more Experiences, optionally bounded by start and due dates, with specific expectations for their scores (i.e. “passing grades”).

  2. Users who can create Experiences (e.g., Authors) can now attach Files and Links to Experiences, Modules, and Assignments, enabling them to add context, content and third-party assessment to learning management

    1. Some assignment notification emails now include links to attachments

    2. When linking to third-party Attachments, users are presented with an exit confirmation screen

  3. When registering, new Users are asked to identify the primary Industry their organizations serve and they are asked to identify their primary Job Function

  4. When registering, Users are granted the role of Training Director and should be able to create Experiences, add Assets, invite other Users, create Groups, create Modules, and create Assignments

  5. When registering, new Users’ organizations are placed into a Trial mode; by default, Trials have a duration of 30 days; Super Admins can change the Trial status of any Organization

    1. The status of an Organization’s trial is visible to its users on the Dashboard

    2. When a trial ends, users are no longer able to navigate the site and instead are shown a message notifying them of the trial’s expiration, inviting them to schedule a meeting through HubSpot

  6. Users who can administer LMS (e.g., Training Directors) can create Assignments

    1. Assignments are one or more Users tasked to experience one or more Experiences

    2. Assignments can be created for a Group; the Group’s User list populates the Assignment’s User list; any changes to the Group’s membership thereafter will not affect the Assignment

    3. Assignments can be created for a Module; the Module’s Experience list populates the Assignment’s Experience list; any changes to the Module’s collection thereafter will not affect the Assignment

    4. Assignment attachments are derived from the Experiences and/or Module that are used to create it; once established, the Assignment’s list of attachments will not be affected by changes to the Experiences and/or Module

    5. After being created, Assignment content—user membership, experience list, attachment list—are all editable in the Assignment

    6. Assignments can be submitted once an assignee as (1) submitted each of the Experiences in the Assignment and (2) viewed all required Attachments; once unlocked, Assignments can be submitted manually

    7. Users receive notifications about Assignments: the day they are assigned,


  1. Goals - A generic Goal model has been introduced to enable the tracking of funnels, beginning with tracking the onboarding funnel.

  2. Documentation - User manual has been improved with updated documentation and video content for clear process explanation.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When importing Experiences, all Assets within the Experiences are granted to the destination Organization

  2. When users are created (registration or invitation), username generation is no longer generating non-unique usernames and causing the process to fail

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